Why Join Co-op Power?
Join Co-op Power, and take part in building locally-owned sustainable energy. As members, we harness our collective buying power to create sustainable and affordable energy products & services. We also invest our member equity in creating the sustainable energy jobs and businesses we need now.
Co-op Power is a network of local energy cooperatives, incorporated as a consumer-owned energy cooperative in Massachusetts. Co-op Power is owned and democratically controlled by its consumer members. Co-op Power Members work locally through their local energy cooperative to bring energy efficiency and renewable energy resources to their communities.
As owner-members, we are the cooperative. By exercising our owner-member rights of democratic participation in decision making, joint purchasing, member-to-member installations, community-scale sustainable energy development, member education, public outreach and policy advocacy, we work together through Co-op Power to change the way we power our world.
Co-op Power is cooperatively owned by over 1,200 families, organizations and businesses in New England and New York.
Member Testimonials
“I don’t see any other investment that would fit into my world so well. My primary goal is to create community. I feel I already have benefited, just by observing all the creative thinking that went into this project, by the board members and others. I see how a group of intelligent and thinking people has been fully behind this project, and last fall one of those ‘go ahead’ votes was mine. I wanted to have us try this then, and I still feel the same.”
“What hits me is how people are so genuine and friendly and concerned, and they all care about what they believe in, they care about sustainability, about justice, about what legacy they are going to leave. They really care, and you can sense that. You actually see it working, it’s not just something that Co-op Power says—everybody is welcome at a table, everybody is encouraged. You’re strengths are drawn out and put to use.”