About Us
Co-op Power is a consumer-owned sustainable energy cooperative. We operate within a regional network of Community Energy Cooperatives to create a multi-class, multi-racial movement for a sustainable and just energy future.
Co-op Power's Community Energy Co-ops include Co-op Power Boston Metro East (Greater Boston), Co-op Power CT River Valley, Co-op Power of Renew Worcester (Worcester and Providence). Co-op Power is owned by over 1400 Members in New England and New York.
Membership is open to all and entitles you to discounts on products and services. In addition, member equity supports the development of community-scale clean energy projects designed and implemented by Community Energy Co-ops for their regions.
Co-op Power's Innovative Structure
Co-op Power has created an innovative structure that enables communities to create community-owned clean energy products and services, businesses and jobs.
All Community Scale business developments are created, decided upon, and supported by members in a Community Energy Co-op.
We have built a team of engineers, financial experts, green building specialists, community economic developers, lawyers and business planners who can help Community Energy Co-ops to research, design, capitalize, and launch their community-owned sustainable energy businesses. Communities can access these resources on a consulting basis or they can join Co-op Power and participate in all our member programs.
“Co-op Power is one of the most innovative coops in the country and a leader in the local investment movement.”
Co-op Power Creates Community Owned Energy
We have engaged in community outreach, education, and dialogue since 2002 to build consensus about how to best support our transition to a sustainable and just energy future. As a result, we have raised more than $320,000 in Member Equity, $840,000 in member loans, and $850,000 in local investment to support the development of community-scale clean energy projects and to build Co-op Power.
Our members have worked together to support the development of:
Energia in Holyoke (a multi-family/commercial/residential energy efficiency business)
Northeast Biodiesel in Greenfield (a 3.5 million gallon/year recycled vegetable oil biodiesel processing plant) we recently had to shut down
6 MW of community solar, more than 1,000
Five solar installation businesses
Two green electrician businesses
A window restoration/thermal window insert fabrication business in Westfield, MA
Building out our own energy efficiency and solar products and services.