Co-op Power
Solar for All
Community-Owned Solar
Subscription Solar
Solar Share SignUp
Rays The Valley
Energy Efficiency
Home Energy Efficiency
Heating Fuels
About Membership
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Who Owns It Matters
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Co-op Membership Form
Co-op Affiliate Form
Co-op Power Annual Member Gathering Sept 21st
Community Energy Co-ops
What is a Community Energy Co-op?
Connecticut River Valley Community Energy Co-op
Boston Metro East Community Energy Co-op
Renewable Energy Worcester Community Energy Co-op
New York City Community Energy Co-op
About Us
Solar for All
Community-Owned Solar
Subscription Solar
Solar Share SignUp
Rays The Valley
Energy Efficiency
Home Energy Efficiency
Heating Fuels
About Membership
Join Co-op Power
Member Benefits
Who Owns It Matters
Bring Co-op Power to Your Community
Co-op Membership Form
Co-op Affiliate Form
Co-op Power Annual Member Gathering Sept 21st
Community Energy Co-ops
What is a Community Energy Co-op?
Connecticut River Valley Community Energy Co-op
Boston Metro East Community Energy Co-op
Renewable Energy Worcester Community Energy Co-op
New York City Community Energy Co-op
About Us
Building Community-Owned Sustainable Energy
Co-op Membership Form
Solar for All
Community-Owned Solar
Subscription Solar
Solar Share SignUp
Rays The Valley
Energy Efficiency
Home Energy Efficiency
Heating Fuels
About Membership
Join Co-op Power
Member Benefits
Who Owns It Matters
Bring Co-op Power to Your Community
Co-op Membership Form
Co-op Affiliate Form
Co-op Power Annual Member Gathering Sept 21st
Community Energy Co-ops
What is a Community Energy Co-op?
Connecticut River Valley Community Energy Co-op
Boston Metro East Community Energy Co-op
Renewable Energy Worcester Community Energy Co-op
New York City Community Energy Co-op
About Us
Co-op Power New Member Registration Form
First Name
Last Name
Primary Email for Membership Notices [Dues, Updates, Information]
Phone Number
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Other adults who live at the same address who can use this Member Account (up to 4)
Choose one of the following Membership Options
[Standard Member]: I agree to pay $975 for my member share. 50% is equity, 50% is a joining fee. I understand my joining fee is nonrefundable. [Farmer Member]: I certify that I receive more than $2,000 a year in earnings from farming, horticulture, forestry, or fishing. I agree to pay $750 for my member share. 50% is equity, 50% is a joining fee. I understand my joining fee is nonrefundable. [Limited Resource Member]: I certify that I have an income of less than $30,000/year and assets worth less than $25,000 excluding my home. I agree to pay $500 for my member share. 50% is equity, 50% is a joining fee. I understand my joining fee is nonrefundable. [Buying Group Member]: I agree to pay a $250 member joining fee for access to buying group benefits. I understand I will have access to only buying group member benefits and that my joining fee is nonrefundable.
Standard Member
Farmer Member
Limited Resource Member
Buying Group Member
Choose one of the following Payment Options
[Automatic Withdrawal]: Bill my Common Good account now for my Membership. [Automatic Withdrawal-1/3 Down]: Bill my Common Good account now for one third of my Membership and pay the remainder with nine equal annual payments. [Automatic Withdrawal Payment Plan]: Bill my Common Good account for one tenth of my Membership every year for ten years starting now. I understand I need to pay in one third of my Membership before I can access other Co-op Power benefits.
Automatic Withdrawal
Automatic Withdrawal-1/3 Down
Automatic Withdrawal Payment Plan
I am signing up to be a member owner of Co-op Power and the local Community Energy Co-op serving my region (if any) using the payment option indicated above. I am joining with other members to create a sustainable and just energy future in our region by pooling our capital, purchasing power, and voting power. I will make an effort to purchase energy through the Co-op when the price, quality, and service work for me. I will let Co-op Power know when it is meeting or exceeding my expectations and when I have suggestions. I will participate in my local Community Energy Co-op and Co-op Power membership meetings to build consensus on how to move our cooperative forward. I understand my equity share is not an investment that provides a return or dividend and that it will not appreciate in value. I understand that I cannot sell my membership and that I can only transfer it as a gift to a member of my immediate family. I agree to abide by the Co-op Power articles of incorporation, by-laws and membership rules found on I understand that if I don't provide Co-op Power with my current address for more than three consecutive years, my membership will be terminated and my equity donated to Co-op Power. I understand member equity is refundable if I cancel my membership. I understand that my equity can only be returned when the Co-op has the funds to do so. I understand my equity share entitles me to the benefits of membership in Co-op Power. I understand my membership entitles me to a vote in membership meetings and a share of the profits distributed to members based on their share of purchases.
I agree
I cannot agree at this time
Thank you for becoming a member of Co-op Power!
Solar for All
Community-Owned Solar
Subscription Solar
Solar Share SignUp
Rays The Valley
Energy Efficiency
Home Energy Efficiency
Heating Fuels
About Membership
Join Co-op Power
Member Benefits
Who Owns It Matters
Bring Co-op Power to Your Community
Co-op Membership Form
Co-op Affiliate Form
Co-op Power Annual Member Gathering Sept 21st
Community Energy Co-ops
What is a Community Energy Co-op?
Connecticut River Valley Community Energy Co-op
Boston Metro East Community Energy Co-op
Renewable Energy Worcester Community Energy Co-op
New York City Community Energy Co-op
About Us
Co-op Power
Low Income Eversource Customers, Sign up for the Energy Justice Program and save on your electric bill
National Grid and Eversource customers in W Mass, Sign up for a subscription to our solar arrays, support community owned solar and save on your electric bill
Energy Democracy: Advancing Equity in Clean Energy Solutions
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What is a Community Energy Co-op?
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