Not everyone can put a solar array on their own property. In order to give more people access to the benefits of solar, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed laws that allow a group of people to share a Community Solar Array that is not on their own property.


Who can sign up?

Anyone in Western Massachusetts paying a National Grid or Eversource electric bill.

What’s the upfront fee?

No money upfront. You get credits on your electric bill each month and pay for them at a 15% discount.

Does my home or building have to qualify for an installation?

Your Net Metering Credits will come from a solar array nearby. You don’t have to have an installation on your property.

What does it cost to sign up?


What will my electric bill look like?

If you sign up for $100 worth of Net Metering Credits, you’ll have a $100 credit applied to your electric bill each month. Actually, it will be more in the summer months and less in the winter, but it will average $100/month over the course of the year. You’ll pay $85 for each $100 applied, so you’ll get a 15% discount on all of your Credits year-round.

What if the electric rate goes up or down?

Your Credit will continue to cover the same number of kilowatt hours it did when you started, and you’ll still get a 15% discount on your Credits.

What if I move?

If you move to a home in Western Mass with the same utility, you can just transfer your Credits to your new electric bill.

Can I wait and sign up later?

If you sign up later, you’ll probably just be added to our waiting list, and, if someone moves out of the area, we can sign you up.  There are only a limited number of spaces available so sign up today!


Net Metering Credit or Credit

The unit a Community Solar Array produces when it sends the electricity to the grid, the Electric Company will convert each unit of the electricity it receives.

Community Solar Array Owner

APE Berkshires, LLC

Co-op Power


Buying Group

Co-op Power organized a group of purchasers

Your Monthly Share

Calculated by multiplying the total Credits produced by the Community Solar Array by “Your Share” of the Credits

The dollar value that the electric company assigns to Your Share of the electricity produced by the array

Net Metering Credit

15% off the value of the Net Metering Credits applied to Your electric bill


The dollar value of the Net Metering Credits applied to Your electric account minus Your Discount (15% of the dollar value of the Net Metering Credits applied to Your electric account).


$0. You pay nothing when You sign this agreement. You only pay for Credits You receive at the discounted rate. There are no other payments due to Seller with Exceptions.

Down Payment

The date set on your invoice to pay for your credits. 

Due Date for Payment

There is a penalty if you fail to pay for your credits within 30 days after the due date for the payment.

There is a penalty if you terminate the agreement without 6 months notice.


Begins on the date You and The Seller sign this Agreement and continues for 11 years with an option to renew if both Parties so agree in writing.

Term of the Agreement

You (the Buyer), including Your heirs and successors, and The Seller, together with its successors and assigns

Parties of the Agreement

You’re up to date with your membership payments and supporting your Community Energy Co-op and Co-op Power (the network of Community Energy Co-ops) as you’re able

Co-op Power Owner-Member in Good Standing